Remember - You Are Talking To Yourself

I often feel that experiencing oneness with nature and animals can be relatively easy, as a mountain landscape's beauty or a devoted pet's love can be readily felt and appreciated. However, maintaining a sense of oneness with other human minds can be more challenging due to our ingrained sense of separateness and the need for survival.

From an early age, we are taught to view others as distinct individuals, which creates a lifelong tendency to focus on our differences rather than our shared humanity, which is itself an expression of the consciousness from which it arose. Despite this, our minds are wired for collaboration, and our needs are universal and social, not just individual.

However, this tendency to personalise others' words and actions creates unnecessary anxiety and conflict which clouds what is being said. Thoughts that could be considered objectively and useful become intertwined with our sense of self, leading to personal rejection or acceptance, prejudice, and fear.

Overcoming this to embrace the power of the mind fully comes from recognising that all minds are part of a universal mind arising from consciousness awareness. All thoughts are in the end part of a beautiful commons. By dropping the distorting effect of personalisation, we can learn to hear and share valuable truth among minds and foster a more harmonious society.



Keep Talking


Keep It Simple