Keep Talking

Understanding and more importing feeling non-dual is the foundation for speaking to others, recognising that you are really speaking to yourself if we accept the proposition that consciousness is boundless and one indivisible process. This insight profoundly contributes to world peace, possibly as an unintended consequence, for it does not set out with any political agenda. However, even though the spirit of Oneness may be felt when it comes to talking with others, there are now highly advanced skills that need to be learned by minds, which are also an essential part of this process. In this respect Non Violent Communication put forward by Marshall Rossenburg is a prime example. For a moment in my career, I had the fortune to work on a conference with the recently passed Professor Johan Galtung, the founder of peace and conflict studies worldwide. The conference raised the question, "What Can Business Do For Peace and Sustainable Development?" The conference report is below.


The Rain Is Falling Inside Of Me


Remember - You Are Talking To Yourself