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Dealing With The Beguilingly Pleasurable Feeling Of Being Located And Separate.
The problem is that identification with thoughts and sensations that give the feeling of being a separate self is not unpleasant in the first instance. As consciousness, we love thinking and sensing. The problem is that we become so used to the experience that we automatically identify ourselves as them, forgetting the context of the experience ourselves as Awareness, and then the trouble starts.
The Light Of Consciousness Is Burning So Brightly, But We Cannot See It With Our Minds
How is it possible that the Universe is created? How is it possible that the Universe is known? What is the unifying principle between creation and knowing? Could it be that knowing (consciousness) IS creation? What is the Universe? It is the phenomena we perceive through our pattern-matching mind. These patterns we perceive are vibrations of energy picked up by our senses that is information our minds and then cognised.
The Path Of Rational Enquiry
I have been asked quite a few times if there is a practice to experience naturally being one. Our minds get busy, and glimpses of our true nature of peace can fade. It is vital to understand and feel the life-affirming qualities of our true nature to act on them. We need to be very honest with ourselves. The path of wisdom is a path of rational understanding of experience rather than of devoted practices. Investigation of experience is something we may do spontaneously, not ritualistically.
The Three Levels Of Consciousness
If we open to the ancient understanding that consciousness (the reality that is understanding these words) is the single primary source of all existence, then we view the manifest Universe as existing within and from this consciousness. It is, in effect, the mirror that aids us, as unique expressions of consciousness, to return to being consciously at one with ourselves.
What Is The "non-dual" Experience of Oneness?
I ask myself do I know I am?
How do I know I am?
Because I experience, I am. This is not intellectual knowing. It is an immediate intuitive knowing.
It IS For The Likes Of Us!
When a child, my beautiful grandmother, born of a working-class family in the industrial heartlands of Britain and now peacefully passed for many years, visited Buckingham Palace in London with my family. As we drove past, she gazed at the building and commented out loud, "It's not for the likes of us". I will never forget it. Remembering this now, the thought occurs how different the world would be if everyone experienced themselves as socially equal to everybody else whilst deeply respecting everyone's individuality.
What Is Really True?
Is it really true that the unpleasant emotion you may feel right now is saying anything about who you are?
Can you discern any thoughts trying to avoid, fix, or suppress it?
Thoughts that seem to try to maintain a self-image or that perpetuate self-loathing?
Thoughts that seem to tell you, you are no longer loveable, loved, safe and okay.
Loving Love Not A Person
The freedom to be ourselves completely mentally and physically and feel safe sharing our joy of being alive when in a relationship with another mind and body is a beautiful, powerful natural experience compared to some of the most beautiful experiences human beings can have.
The mind labels and contextualises, the body senses, and the heart knows.
The only thing we know for sure is that we exist and are aware we exist. Looking at the Universe through the eyes of the mind, everything else is just like a complex computer program, comparable to a form of artificial intelligence that, because of its complexity, gives the appearance of knowing but is just an extensive process. It is a complex, multi-layered chain of events that form what our mind calls a Universe.
From Caetextia To Excitextia
For thousands of years, various schools and teachers have taught the primacy of consciousness as the singular source of all existence. This means that all manifestations of life, including all human beings, arise from this single source. Although it may appear, from the perspective of an individual human being, we are living in a Universal of separate objects, and we conceive of ourselves in the same way, these teachings would say that this is not the case and that this belief in separateness is an illusion that disconnects us from seeing that we are the single consciousness that contains all things we truly are.