The Universal Family
The Three Levels Of Consciousness
We can conceptualise consciousness as having three expressions based on experience. Pure subjective consciousness or knowing (Awareness), Mind (Conceptual objective experiences) and Body (Sensational objective experiences).
Subject and Object
Through investigation into our experience of Awareness, mind and body, we first recognise we are the subjective consciousness or Awareness that is being aware of conceptual and sensational objective experiences. Later, we realise that this subjective Awareness we are, and the objective experiences we are aware of are one single experience. This is why we understand that existence appears to be two things but is, in fact, one experience. In otherwords, based on our experience of being Awareness, we perceive everything as a single flow of Awareness we realise ourselves to be. Here we are, we are “seeing” existence through the eye of Awareness.
Neither Subject Not Object But Both
As we recognise our Awareness and see our existence as one single flow, our Mind and Body can rest in the experience of this recognition instantly. Why? We experience the reality of our existence for what it really is: a single remarkable creation at this moment that is complete within itself. Seeking in the mind for completeness (or happiness) stops as the mind can rest in the experiential truth of completeness (or oneness). We realise there was never anything wrong at all, even though the conditioned reflex of our mind may have told us so. The need to psychologically control it in some way out of fear drops away as we understand and, therefore, feel we are this infinite, boundless experience and not a localised bodily sensation. It becomes crystal clear to us these two states are on an experiential level. That of being this expansive existence or of being a localised sensation. We finally connect, on the level of experience, that it is only when we believe we are this localised sensation that we suffer psychologically and the only reason we believed it was that we had no comparative experience that we could recognise ourselves to be. We have uncovered the root cause of our psychological suffering.
The Root Of Psychological Suffering
We can see that our minds, being so convinced that we were the experience of a localised sensation, made this sensation a problem that had to be fixed somehow because we always seek completion or permanence the only benchmark could be to create permanence out of this sensation. But how can you create a permanent peaceful completeness out of bodily sensations? Thoughts appeared that endlessly searched for a solution to this problem. Thoughts that take us forward in time to an imaginary future where everything would be okay. However, all such visions overwhelmed us because they were all-or-nothing thoughts and provided no step-by-step logic. As soon as we had such a thought, we felt even worse because we had another thought: to compare ourselves to this presented solution and tell ourselves we could never achieve it because we were not up to the task based on past performance. Then, our minds tracked backwards in time to try and discover a pattern of thinking that has caused this apparent inadequacy, like looking for the source of the Nile. Soon, our minds are spinning backwards and forwards and round and round in seeking and self-criticism. Our mind was trying to create a place of permanence from the transcience of space and time. It was “space-timing” the self. All it was doing was trying to get back to completeness. It appeared that the mind had forgotten it was never lost in the first place. But more accurately, the mind had not forgotten; it was that the Aware existence had stopped being aware of itself. This was the problem. The mind was only doing its best to compensate for this absence. The experience of completeness was always present, but the mind, being able only to think, had no way to see it, so was simply trying to re-create the wholeness through thought, and this was the cause of its anxiety that perhaps even led to its exhausted depression.
“Psychological suffering is the mind’s version of being at one.”
Remembering we are this Aware reality and not our thoughts or sensations, and being directly aware of the Aware reality we are, we find our innate peace again. We are able to reframe our understanding of the localised sensation in the context of the infinitely expansive experience of existing instead of seeing ourselves as it and only, therefore, a mortal fragment of existence. This shift instantly makes us recognise the localised sensation as just that: a contraction of energy and nothing to be psychologically frightened of. We appreciate ourselves as this existence that created the whole Universe that we perceive in this now and instantly feel the perfection of this unfolding miracle that we are. We intuit we can trust what we are completely. Experiencing existence at this level, we see through the illusion of the time and space that our Mind sees and which separates us from the environment. It is reminiscent of seeing our awake state as if it were like a dream where we are simultaneously conscious of being the dreamer and in the dream. Here, our Mind and Body can completely decontract from any prior need they had to somehow control this flow of existence out of fear as we experience ourselves as being this total flow of existence over which there is no control as it is unfolding of its own accord. This experience liberates us from the psychological, existential fear we otherwise have. We realise we can freely choose to live as if we are the unlimited source of everything and complete as we are. We can experiment with this form of living, which opens us to our most profound alignment with the truth of existence.
Being Context Awakened
The Mind and Body are sensitive to truth and will offer us subtle feedback when in and out of accord with it. They help us align our experience of the Oneness of all things we really are to what was called “what is above” in older philosophical language. Equally, the Mind and Body are sensitive to their own nourishment needs and will offer feedback when we are in and out of accord with these in a balanced manner. To what, in old philosophical language, called “what is below”. This need to live in balance at the Mind and Body level reflects all existence's natural completeness. When we align with the truth of being this Aware Reality, we are at One with all existence, and this Oneness is experienced as life-affirming qualities that reverberate through our lives. These are the basis for us to organise our Mind and Body to balance their natural nourishment needs. Like this, we are "excitextic" or “context awakened” to being the full context of aware existence.
Being Context Blind
Without this experience of Oneness, the only choice we have is to “see” existence through the eyes of the Mind and Body, which work together in a reinforcing way to conceptualise and feel all existence, including what we are, as separate objects. When we are blind to our true experience that we are a single continuous flow of existence, we are out of integrity with the truth of our experience of “seeing” existence through the eyes of Awareness. Instead, we “see” existence only through the eyes of the Mind and Body; we come to think of ourselves as a separate object and feel we are, too. The two are mutually reinforcing. Therefore, we and the environment become separated in time and space. In short, we “space-time” ourselves. If we experience ourselves this way, we can only view existence through the filter of thinking and sensation, and it becomes necessary to always have nice thoughts and happy feelings in order to be happy. In other words, states of mind and body define our existence, and our primary task becomes to satisfy these by attempting to control what we perceive as a separate environment.
Our mind attempts to recreate wholeness by suppressing mental and physical experiences or avoiding them or, in a dysregulated manner, expressing them in the hope that by doing so, we may rid ourselves of their unpleasant nature. Furthermore, we have lost the understanding of permanence that comes from recognising the single ever-present flow of existence we really are. As a result, we become psychologically fearful and self-critical, and we become psycho-biologically imbalanced, which means our mental and physical nourishment becomes imbalanced, and our ability to navigate the challenges of living is detrimented. This state is referred to as being "caetextic" or context blind.
The Three Experiential Archetypes
So far, we have explored three ways of viewing existence, depending on how we understand what we are. Consciousness, mind or body. In the first instance, we experience ourselves as the boundless, aware existence (reality) of all things. In the latter cases, we consider ourselves a separate fragment of existence. This leads us to live our lives in three archetypal ways.
The Archetype Of The Context Awakened Loving Aware Adult
We could say that the knowing being at one with the experience of the Aware reality and recognising this as what we are and aligning to this truth, providing the context for the constructive use of mind and body, which are viewed as inseparable expressions of the Aware reality, equates to the archetype of the fully actualised Loving, Aware Adult. The Loving Aware Adult is by nature excitextic (context awakened).
The Archetype Of The Context Blind Adolescent
The Mind, as explained, can only conceptualise and separates sensational existence into segments. It is, therefore, innately caetextic (context blind) of the upstream context of the aware reality we call consciousness, which is the source of life-affirming qualities. In this sense, the mind can be equated to a less mature adolescent compared with the Loving Aware Adult. Its capacity to understand existence is devoid of any unitary experience. Left to its own devices, it will always think of existence conceptually and split it into subject and object, and it will define human happiness in terms of thought and sensation. Fear and lack will be its fundamental experience; seeking happiness in the environment is its solution. Living based on the conceptualizing mind blind to the context of the Aware Reality, only believing in the contexts of mind and body equates to the Context Blind Adolescent archetype.
The Archetype Of The Context Blind Child
Sensational existence is defined as the body. It does not even have the upstream context of thought to access, so is the most context-blind archetype. The body can only express itself through the felt-sense experience. It is, therefore, innately caetextic (context blind) of the upstream context of the aware reality we call consciousness, which is the source of life-affirming qualities. In this sense, the body can be equated to a child compared with the Loving Aware Adult. Its capacity to understand existence is devoid of any unitary experience or even conceptualisation process. It will define human happiness in terms of sensation alone. Living based on the sensing body mind blind to the context of the Aware Reality, only believing in the context of sensation equates to the Context Blind Child.
Three Modes Of Living
This leads to three experiential modes of living: Adult, Adolescent, and Child. In this model, psychological suffering occurs in Adolescent and Child Mode, where we have ceased to be directly aware of our own existence at that moment and, therefore, ceased to be at one with our true nature. So, Adolescent and Child Modes are Caetextic Modes.
As soon as we return to this and re-enter Adult Mode, we return to the natural state of constructive activity. So Adult Mode is the Excitextic Mode. The focus of healing lies not in trying to fix our Adolescent Mind and Child Body but in remembering (being aware of) our true nature as this infinite, aware existence that is making the Adult Mode our predominant mode.
Adult Mode (Experiencing Existence As The Aware Reality)
When we are knowingly present and at one with all existence, and our mental and physical needs are balanced, we are therefore "excitextic" (context awakened); we are in Adult mode where we reside in complete "vertical" alignment to our inner truth and "horizontal" alignment to our psycho-biological needs. The profundity of this mode is such that the Adolescent Mind is not understood as one separate mind compared to another, and the Child Body is not one separate body compared to another, but instead, these two aspects are Universal, mirroring the Universal Awareness that is at one with all things we experience ourselves to be. In other words, we experience all thoughts, whether arising from the immediate mind we experience or the minds of apparent others, as one Universal mind and all sensory experiences, whether appearing as the immediate body we experience or the apparent universe of external objects we perceive, as one Universal body. Therefore, in this mode, we are the One Universal Awareness that is the source of the one Universal Adolescent Mind and One Universal Child Body, together, the One Universal Family. As we surrender and detach from all limited identifications of self in this mode, we gain our sense of permanence and experience life-affirming peace and other qualities. Here, the Child Body feels light, transparent and energised, and the Adolescent Mind is clear, peaceful and comfortable. We experience thoughts of detached, practical, creative, detached, outward-focused life-affirming activity.
Adolescent Mode (Experiencing Existence Through Thought)
When we are not knowingly present as Awareness and at one will with all things, and our mental and physical needs are imbalanced and therefore are "caetextic" (context blind), we may enter Adolescent mode where we reside in the fight, flight, tend and befriending anxiety states and feel the Adolescent Mind masters us. The superficiality of this mode is such that the Adolescent Mind is understood to be one separate mind compared to another, and the Child Body is one separate body compared to another. In other words, we experience all thoughts arising from the immediate mind in contrast to other minds we perceive as separate minds and all sensory experiences appearing as the immediate body in contrast to external objects we perceive as separate bodies. Therefore, in this mode, we identify as a separate self in a universal environment from which we are separated. As we identify as the separate mind and body in this mode, we lose our sense of permanence of the Adult mode and fall into existential fear. Here, we experience uncomfortable contracted tenseness in our torso and head area and personalised attached intensely self-defeating thinking styles, leading to life-negating behaviours that attempt to neurotically locate our sense of autonomy (locus of control) in the environment, making us dependent on circumstances for our happiness.
Child Mode (Experiencing Existence Through Sensation)
If we become even more intensely anxious or shocked when we are not knowingly present as Awareness and at one will with all things and our mental and physical needs are imbalanced and therefore are "caetextic" (context blind), we may even enter Child mode where we reside in the frozen area of the lower torso and feel the intense feelings of the Child Body master us. The superficiality of this mode is such that the Adolescent Mind is understood to be one separate mind compared to another, and the Child Body is one separate body compared to another. In other words, we experience all thoughts arising from the immediate mind in contrast to other minds we perceive as separate minds and all sensory experiences appearing as the immediate body in contrast to external objects we perceive as separate bodies. Therefore, in this mode, we are a separate self in a universal environment we are separated from. As we identify as the separate mind and body in this mode, we lose our sense of permanence of the Adult mode and fall into existential fear. Here, we experience uncomfortable contracted tenseness and sinking feelings in our lower torso, personalised dark and heavily attached self-defeating thinking styles, leading to life-negating behaviours that attempt to completely block us from all activity, losing all sense of autonomy and entirely focussed on feelings of unhappiness.
The intensity of Adolescent and Child modes can increase so that we fall into even deeper caetextic (context blindness) and become depressed or psychotically dissociated from mind and body.
Fluctuating Modes
We may fluctuate between these modes depending on our life experiences and understanding. We are most happy in Adult Mode (When we recognise we are the Aware reality and are aware of ourselves as this and are not defining ourselves in terms of the thoughts and feelings of our children, the Adolescent Mind and Child Body). These modes are not definitive self-contained experiences, and how one recognises them is through subjective evaluation. Perfectionism doesn't enter into it. All of us are likely to fluctuate from time to time. We can say that establishing the fundamental tendency as Adult mode is the most desirable.
How To Be The Adult Mode Most Of The Time
When you get anxious, PAUSE.
It is to allow your inner space not to do what the emotion tells you what to do and to stay in the freedom of your peace and love instead. The emotion is harsh, controlling, fearful and angry because it is designed to protect a body under threat. Your true nature is love, courage and positive qualities because it is not the mind or the body, and there is no threat because you are eternal and can never be destroyed. If you remember what you are, this is always clear.
When you become anxious, it may be because your Child Body and Adolescent Mind may be under threat or in danger. Perhaps it is ill or being physically threatened in some way. It may also have experienced some form of relationship issue. Or, simply it is If this is the case, then, of course, it’s natural to take action to protect your Child Body, and your Adolescent Mind will automatically help you do this and come up with immediate actions to get out of trouble.
Your Children Have The Innate Ability To Learn.
Your children have been conditioned (educated) by their experiences. This conditioning is natural and helpful because if there was physical danger in the past, then it’s helpful to remember this in the future to avoid it again, as you can imagine. This ability is an innate ability of your children and to be cherished.
The Hidden “Problem” Of Believing To Be A Separate Self
However, another aspect of this conditioning occurs, which is not helpful. This conditioning creates a hidden belief in your children that they are a separate self - that is, they are a version of YOU defined as a separate mind and body in a world of other minds and bodies! This belief is built up by the culture you live in, and because, although you, the Loving Aware Parent, are always present in reality, you may be context blind to the experience of your true nature as this Awareness, and therefore, you rest for your identity in the beliefs your Teenage Mind and Child Body. In this case, we say you are “caetextic”. It is a simple mistake, but it has profound consequences. The effect of this conditioned belief is if you forget what you really are, is to make you feel you are the thoughts and sensations of your children. This is very unstable as these are always changing, and there is no permanence to your existence any longer, making you feel fundamentally insecure. Also, you come to feel you are this separate object in a world of separate objects and that the solution to the instability you feel as a result of identifying with the fluctuating thoughts and feelings of your children, you seek to control this world of separate objects to try and recreate some permanence. Does this sound familiar? What is the way out of this unhelpful conditioning?
Recognise You Are The Aware Observer Of Thoughts and Sensations And, Therefore, Not Your Children Of Mind and Body
At a certain point, perhaps through some deep inner process and the education of friends you remember, you are always the Aware Presence that is aware of the thoughts of the Adolescent Mind and the inner and outer sensations of the Child Body. At this point, it becomes clear you are the witness of them, but you are not them. This distinguishes you from your Adolescent Mind and Child Body. It makes it clear that you are the subjective witness of your objective experiences of your mind and body, and this in itself can be helpful to give you some distance from the ups and downs of your children. This alone helps you gain some perspective and achieve calm if your children are anxious. However, this is not the end of the matter.
Enquiring Further Of Your Nature As This Awareness
As you become aware that you are this Observing Awareness, the parental place that can observe the children of the Adolescent Mind and Child Body, you may find yourself drawn to enquire further into your nature of being this Awareness. At this point, you may still unconsciously believe you are a separate mind and body even if you now understand you have this capacity for being the Observing Awareness. In otherwords, you may still not question the hidden belief to be a separate personal self in the world, and you may still believe that this Awareness you are is a product of your Adolescent Mind and Child Body, even if it has given you a little more space to manage them. Unless you can overcome this belief to be a personal, separate self, there can be no release from identifying as the experiences of thoughts and sensations of the Adolescent Mind and Child Body, which is the very cause of psychological suffering as you are reducing yourself to being a transient experience in time and space as opposed to the eternal, infinite experience of being the aware reality. Of course, if you already experience the Oneness that characterises the Adult mode, then this process of enquiring into the nature of yourself is unnecessary. However, it is offered here in case you do, and it is also a helpful path back to it in case you fall back into the belief of being separate ever.
To be aware of your nature, you need to rest back into the experience of it. It is always there, but because it has no observable properties, you cannot see it with your Adolescent mind, but you can be aware of it directly. As you know your true nature, you are at one with yourself.
Your enquiry into your nature arises because you have a natural curiosity about it. It is not something you have to do. It is something you want to do. Perhaps you have an intuition that the happiness you have always sought in the world could be found in your own true nature. This may not be clear at this point, but as you enquire, it may become so. The qualities of your nature are revealed through this enquiry.
You may only need to ask one question to understand everything, or you might need to ask many questions. There are no rules. The key point is to understand that you are examining your direct experience and not going by any preconceived belief. What sort of questions could you ask? Here are some suggestions. The point of this enquiry is not to like an exam with right and wrong answers but to realise that by asking the questions, the answers will appear experientially. In this way, you can understand your true experience and let go of the Adolescent Mind’s belief of what you are.
Enquiry Questions
Are you aware you are real?
If you did not exist, how could know you are reading these words?
If you are aware you are real and exist, what is this experience of realness that you are?
Is it a feeling in the body?
Or is it clear that those sensations are not you as they come and go, but your experience of being real is there all the time?
Is it a thought in the mind?
Or is it clear that thoughts are not you as they come and go, but your experience of being real is there all the time?
What is aware of this experience of reality that you are?
Can it be a bodily sensation or a sensation received from outside your body?
Can a bodily sensation know or be aware of anything?
Can it be a thought?
Can a thought know or be aware of anything?
If it is not thoughts or sensations that are aware of this experience of realness, does it make sense to you that this experience of realness can only be known by the awareness of it?
Does it make sense to you that it is impossible to have this experience of realness without the awareness of it?
Therefore, are you open to the possibility that this awareness is an attribute of this experience of reality you are?
Is there awareness here now?
Are there two awarenesss, you and the aware reality or just one awareness that is the aware reality?
Does it make sense that by becoming aware of your realness, you are simply being aware of the aware reality you are?
Do you have any evidence that this experience of realness you are aware of is generated by or dependent on your mind and/or body?
If not, does it make sense that you cannot know whether it is or isn’t?
If you cannot know it is limited to or generated by your mind and body, are you open to the possibility that this aware reality you are is universal and not limited at all?
Do you have any evidence that this reality you are and are aware of is limited by any of the experiences it observes?
Do you have any evidence that this aware reality you are and are aware of is born or will ever die?
Do you have any evidence that this aware reality you are and are aware of is ever changed by any experiences it is aware of?
Has there ever been a time when you have not been this aware reality?
Does it make sense to you that even in deep sleep, you are still this aware reality, as this is not dependent on being aware of anything, and all deep sleep is, is this aware reality without any perceptions of objects?
Is there any place or time you can find when this aware reality you are did not exist?
From the perspective of the experience of this aware reality, does it make sense that this aware reality you are is timeless and spaceless?
If you cannot know this aware reality you are and are aware of is generated by or dependent on your mind or body or limited in any way by experiences, are you open to the possibility that this aware reality you are could be the limitless ever present, never changing source of all things?
Do you know you are not?
Does it make sense that only awareness can be aware of this aware reality; therefore, the mind is not involved?
Can you open to the possibility then that you are this infinite, eternal being knowing itself and not a mind or body knowing it?
Taking your stand as this unlimited universal aware reality you are, can you close your eyes and become aware of bodily sensations?
Are you aware that these sensations are “hanging” in you, this aware reality that is aware of them?
Can you investigate these sensations and try and find any separate object that is the source of these sensations?
If you cannot, are you open to the possibility that these sensations are never separate from you but are made of this same aware reality as you but are, as it were, “vibrations” of you?
Now, become aware of thinking. You have already said that this aware reality you are is always present, and although thoughts come and go, they must be there before and after thinking. Does this make sense?
Is it clear to you that you have no evidence that this aware reality is not also present during thinking even though your attention is focused on the thought?
From this, is it clear that sensations and thoughts are “made” from you, this aware reality and appear from you and disappear into you?
Now, open your eyes and observe an external object. Can you see that your awareness of the object and the object itself are never separate - there is no gap?
Does it make sense that external objects are like internal bodily sensations in that they are ultimately vibrations of the aware reality you are and are not separate?
Taking your stand as this aware reality you are aware of being, can you now perceive all inner and outer objective experiences as having their source in you, this unlimited universal aware reality, and there is no one in control of this process, but you can totally trust it as it is going on anyway?
Taking your stand as this unlimited aware reality, can you find any evidence in your experience of any limited or separate self that you may have previously thought was you?
If you are not, can you see that this idea of a small, separate, limited self was just an illusion and does not exist in reality and the only reason you thought it did because of a belief that caused you to assume you were separate body and mind and not the experience of this aware reality you are?
What Becomes Clear To You In Your Experience?
You Realise You Cannot Know You Are The Product Of Or Limited To A Single Mind and Body.
Remind yourself of this experience of being the Loving Awareness, not the body and mind that are your “children”. Remind yourself that you have no evidence that you, this Loving Aware Parent, are their child and are born of them, but completely the opposite, and instead, you are the Loving Awareness that embraces all bodies and minds and that all bodies and minds come from you. Find peace again as this Loving Awareness that you really are, and that is the parent of the children of the body and mind. Find your objectivity again to be calm and return to unify your Universal Family that consists of you, this Loving, Aware Parent, and the Teenage Mind and the Child Body to move forward in love and unity.
Re-educate Your Adolescent Mind And Child Body From The Belief It Is You And Liberate Yourself From The Fearful Habitual Patterns Of Anxiety
You must expect to re-educate your Teenage Mind because she is educated to believe you are a person in the world, and she, the Teenage Mind, is the source of your existence. She wants you to forget you are the Loving, Aware Parent. You know she is winning over you, and you are doing this because thoughts that appear are negative, making you feel worse. These thoughts may tell you all sorts of negative things about you and others and may also tell you in a loud, angry or frightened voice to do certain anxiety-ridden actions that could be addictive. They could tell you to do something to try and avoid the current situation, suppress it, or tell you to scream and shout to make everyone know you are upset. They may tell you to look for solutions and fixes in the future or search for reasons in the past and wrap you up in knots as you search for answers there. See the truth of these thoughts - that they are based on the belief to be a person and identify as a bodily sensation. That is what they are about - not what they say to you. The pause will allow you space to see this. Once you are convinced that you can agree that all these thoughts only occur when you identify as a bodily sensation, you can see their true root. Then it is clear to you do not have to listen to them. Why? Because you know the truth. These thoughts are really saying, "You are a person in a world, and you should be frightened or angry!" But, now you know that it is not possible to say this - because you are the LOVING AWARENESS, and it is not possible to know this Loving Awareness you really are is limited to, or a child of your body and mind, and it could equally be Universal - you do not know it is not universal. On investigating it, you can see there is no limit to yourself as this Loving Aware Parent, so you can see how you have the choice not to believe what your teenage mind is saying to you. So if your teenage mind is screaming at you - "You are a person in a world, and you must be frightened and angry and try and control this situation", then you can say to her - "but darling, how do you know I am a person in the world? Do you have any proof of this?" Then your teenager's mind will go quiet because she has no proof of this and will leave you alone. If you wish, you can thank her for trying to protect you in her way. For that is what she was trying to do. Nothing more than that. She didn't want to hurt you, but she doesn't have any other means of protecting you other than saying you are a person in the world. So hug her in your heart once she has gone quiet - each time you remind her that she cannot know you are a person in the world, she will go silent and remember this truth and not bother you so much the next time she gets upset.
Be aware - this belief to be a person in the world is not just held in your Teenage Mind. It is also preserved in your Child Body. It is essential to understand that because your Teenage Mind has been telling you you are the person in the world for so many years, you also have become confused that you are a bodily sensation, too, and specific physical sensations remind you of this. You have, in effect, located yourself and identified yourself as certain bodily sensations - such as in the head or the torso in particular. You think of yourself as the Child Body. You need to observe this confusion and, in quiet moments, assess if you are associating yourself with any specific bodily sensations, and if so, then become clear that you are not these sensations so that when you feel them, you do not become confused that they are you. It is better to do this investigation when you are calm and not upset because emotions will mask these subtle sensations. If you forget this investigation, you might get trapped again in believing to be a person in the world.
Release the pain of your child's body back to the space of your loving, aware reality and transform its negative energy into golden love.
Now you have another child, too! - your body. She has been listening to her older sister saying you are a person in the world and she has become upset and contracted. It would be best if you tended to her also. What do you do with her? Like any good parent, you welcome her into your arms of loving awareness and embrace her pain, fear, and contraction. You embrace it with INFINITE PATIENCE - NO RESISTANCE WHATSOEVER. She will let go of her pain IN HER TIME when she feels safe again. It would be best if you never forced her. But you can help her. You can breathe love into her. You can reassure her that as she releases her negative energy, you can use this to transform into the gold of love, and that will encourage her to let go. You have the alchemical power of transformation - because you are made of love, you can transform negative energy when you touch it. You can continue your work while holding your child's body like this. Do not worry if she takes a while to let go. She is designed this way. It is her natural way. Sometimes, you can break with your work and sit with her to release - she loves it when you do this. This is why pausing helps her. She wants to see you pause because if she sees that, she knows her Loving Aware Parent is present. Her teenage sister never pauses. She is so impatient. She is used to seeing her teenage sister, but now she wants to know her Loving Aware Parent is present. She will relax more and more. Sometimes, she will tell you why she has been contracted. She will tell you of things that happened to her in the past that frightened her. She will tell you things that you have forgotten, but she has remembered. She will do this in her own time; you do not need to question or pressure her. You can reassure, welcome, and love her each time, for she is your Child Body. In this way, when your teenage mind has gone quiet, your child's body will release her contraction.
Radiate the love, truth and beauty of the One Universal Family you are
Over time, your teenage mind and child body will let go of their old belief to be a separate self and the resulting patterns of anxiety this gives rise to as they are so relieved that you have become established and consciously present as the Loving Aware Reality. Even though their old habits of avoidance, suppression and dysregulation may continue for while, they will have lost their power and will eventually dissolve probably entirely. Liberated from this false belief of being a separate self and realising all thoughts and sensations arise from you, this Loving Aware Reality and are not separate from you; therefore, in Oneness, you can establish yourself as the Universal Loving Awareness you really are and allow the inspiration of the thoughts of your Teenage Mind and the sensations of your Child Body to flow as they do spontaneously free of fear as expressions of you. You can enjoy the great, full nourishment of this beautiful moment forever and trust the wisdom of your true nature to solve all problems. You can understand that your Adolescent Mind is not just one single mind, but all minds, in fact, One Universal Mind that is all thoughts, and your Child Body is not just one body but all bodies, in fact, One Universal Body that is all sensational experiences. Together, You Are The One Universal Family.
PS Please bear in mind the map is not the territory.