Hearing The Voice Of Love

When we talk with an apparent other, we are talking with ourself. Realising this, we can be conscious of this truth and instantly realise a profound rapport. What is said, the content, which is the mind and how it is said, which is the tone or the body, is contextualised in the understanding that we are talking with ourself. Consciously aware of this, the fear of attaching to content and tone and relying on that to establish rapport is overcome and released. Thus, there is liberation from fear that is otherwise created when hearing a voice as if it is coming from a separate person. Then the sound of a voice is heard, whatever its tone or content, as a beautiful expression of the same aware reality we are. Though the mind and body from which it emerges may still be imbued with the illusory conviction that it is a person talking to a separate person, what is heard is not that.

Experiencing another dimension to the conversation through the "eye" of consciousness opens it up. This points overtly and subtly back to the truth of being the same self. Of course, a mind and body, still busy with thinking it is the only reality, is an example of the Universal self forgetting its true nature. In this illusory belief, all this mind and body will tend to wish to discuss is the content of reality, not the true context of reality. It will want to talk about the soap opera of life without referencing the context of consciousness. It will identify with the content of the soap opera and have a deep expectation that the mind and body it is talking to will feel the same way. However, once liberated and coming from truth instead of identification, we can see beyond the content and tone of voice to a third level, which is the Universal aspect of the voice that is the universal voice of consciousness love itself.

Apperceiving this changes the whole nature of talking with minds and bodies. So, the content of what is said (mind) and the tone in which it is said (body) are contextualised by the universal quality of love from which this content arises. Naturally, this influences tone and content. Naturally, the conversation may turn towards love, truth and beauty and away from fear, greed and hate, the lingua franca of the separate self. Instead of feeling threatened by tone and content and falling into judgment and criticism extended to judging the appearance of what you believe is a person in front of you, potentially feeling defensive or aggressive, the fundamental rapport is not lost, and the energy can still flow as you fully recognise that you are conversing with yourself. Instead of focusing on the soap opera of daily living, the underlying understanding of Oneness allows more spontaneity to change the conversation's gear and direction in freedom. The very act of conversation leaves one open and not closed. Uplifted, not depressed. The voice itself becomes a vibration of love. So many minds and bodies still talk defensively, imagining they are talking to another separate person and only maintaining rapport based on superficial aspects when there is no need. There would be much peace on Earth if everyone truly felt they were talking to themselves.




Relating To Oneness


The Three Voices