Events That Trigger Anxiety Are Part Of The Process We Created To Remind Us Of Our True Loving Nature And Let Go Of The Story Of Separateness

The mind, which is the seat of separateness, wants to escape the present when the experience of bodily contractions occurs.

Thoughts of being a person appear alongside the classification of the contraction as an emotion, such as fear in the chest. This very labelling of experience is separateness.

Forgetting the Aware Self that is Universal love, we may identify with the thoughts of a person, believe in them, identify with them, and recognise the resulting growing emotional explosion as proof of this personhood.

Reminding ourselves that it is still we, the loving Aware Self, choosing this experience, and we have not stopped being the loving Aware Self.  

Reminding ourselves that instead of listening to the strategising mind that locates us in time and space as an object and believes that it can resolve this unpleasantness by going to another location in the future or past, coming up with thoughts that are self-critical or comparative or globalised fix it thoughts (it will be ok when everything is ok) – We can instead see that this unpleasant experience has a true function – it is a reminder for us to consciously return to the home of the loving heart of the loving Aware Self.  

Reminding ourselves that we are the loving Aware Self and do not know, from this perspective, that our Awareness is personal, so we can remain open to it being impersonal. Once we remember this possibility and then, as a result, we can choose it. From this vantage point, we can approach this momentary experience with love and courage and stay present with it, surrender these negative thoughts and breathe calm love into the contracted body, allowing it the space to release the contraction in its own time as part of the natural flow. We instantly regain the true home of the loving Aware Self and can choose to live AS IF this were true, looking at this experience from this impersonal viewpoint.  

Here we let go of paying attention to the thoughts in the mind that were a story about a separate person in time and space that in some way was flawed, and we can welcome any fear that this has created going into it instead of avoiding it by taking us into the imaginary past or future. As we go into it, we see it for the mirage it was.  

From here, we can calmly observe the trigger event that caused this moment of contraction. We can investigate it, not bypass it, to see to our satisfaction, it was part of this reminder to the loving Aware Self by the loving Aware Self, though helping it highlight any remaining belief to be a separate person. It can be helpful to investigate this as this investigation confirms this view of it being a reminder.

We notice it came as an apparent break in the oneness of love, truth or beauty. Perhaps in the form of what appeared to be an uncompassionate external judgement or toxicity or suspension of friendship connection by another person and therefore a break in the oneness of love with other people or what appeared to be a financial problem or unexpected twinge in our body that triggered a contraction and fear and a break in the oneness of beauty, we perceive to the objects in our physical environment that are all part of the body, or a moment of mental confusion or disorientation when we lost sight of the clarity of the oneness of understanding the truth about our nature through some mental confusion about it. In other words, in one way or another, these events were all about the story of a threat to a person's survival in an environment from which it is separate. This is the story of separation emerging again.  Once we have seen through the story of separation, we find that the events that trigger it, which can often be quite testing, also disappear.

As we step back into the oneness of the Aware Self in this way, though we may not know it, this very choice dissolves this story of separation in our minds and strengthens our abidance as the conscious experience of the Aware Self. 

It was, we can see nothing more than a helpful reminder by us to us, and we can be in gratitude when we see this. It is all part of the mechanism of the universal flow of love.

We can only view this event as a reminder of love if we are abiding as the loving Aware Self, so as soon as the event is perceived in this way, we will find that is where we are, and the peace of the Aware Self will prevail again in the mind and body we occupy. The threat of apparent separateness has passed, and we can return to an even deeper enjoyment of the present. Then, again, we can knowingly speak and act as the loving aware self, not a person.


Don't Give Into Separation. It Only Reinforces It - Take Your Stand As Open Oneness.


True Love