Universal Family Weekend Gathering Curriculum.
Session 1: The Natural Desire For Indestructible Wholeness
Talking Points:
Acknowledging the natural and incredibly strong desire for indestructible wholeness.
Recognising, life is an experience not a thing that is one indivisible reality.
The “universal family” as a metaphor to help us discuss and navigate this experience.
Clarifying we are always the impersonal “parental” aware reality that is the “DNA” of the family that includes its offspring experiences of mind and the senorial body and world which are appearances of it.
Clarifying the mind is like an adolescent that recognises and conceptualises patterns of reality but is not the source of undifferentiated qualities of understanding, love and beauty which is always the parental aware reality we are.
Questions to Explore:
What is the underlying reason I am attending this weekend?
What is the metaphor of the universal family?
How does metaphor help us navigate experience?
Can I recognise all there is, is the impersonal parental aware reality and there is no separate personal “I”?
Group Contemplation:
Group contemplation “Effortlessly being the impersonal aware reality reading these words in which all appearances of mind,body and world occur and of which they are made”. This will be followed by group sharing based on the points above.
Session 2: The Appearance Of Fragmentation And Extrinsic Wholeness
Talking Points:
Recognising that sometimes the impersonal parental aware reality appears as the experience of believing to be a personal separate fragmented self that knows the mind, body and world.
Being highly sensitive to the psychological, physiological and behavioural symptoms of lack and fear that arise when this personalisation effect occurs.
Recognising that this occurs due to the objectification of our impersonal nature to identify it as the offspring of the mind, body and world is at the heart of a sense of fragmentation and lack.
The cultural, developmental and physiological roots of this objectification.
The addictive nature of this objectification.
Questions to Explore:
Why do we feel a sense of fragmented lack as though something is missing?
What is preventing us from feeling indestructibly whole, safe and at peace in this moment?
Can we recognise that the process of objectifying our true nature has become and deeply embodied belief?
How can we resolve both the intellectual and embodied feeling of lack and fragmentation?
Group Contemplation:
Group contemplation “Taking our stand as the impersonal parental aware reality to welcome the sense of lack”. This will be following by a group dialogue based on points above and the universal family “Fragmentation Audit”.
Session 3: Recognising Intrinsic Indestructible Wholeness
Talking Points:
Acknowledging we already know indestructible wholeness though only on a temporary basis.
Identifying the attributes of indestructible wholeness.
Inquiring into our experience of being the impersonal parental aware reality to find it is the indestructible wholeness we seek.
Realising we are already indestructibly whole as we are and can end our search.
Questions to Explore:
What attributes would qualify as indestructible wholeness?
Recognising these attributes are what comprises the impersonal parental aware reality we are.
Group Contemplation:
Group experiential inquiry into the attributes of indestructible wholeness and invitation to rest as the silent aliveness of the impersonal parental aware reality we are.
Session 4: The Natural Dissolution Of Fragmentation
Talking Points:
• Refining our inquiry to gain conviction we cannot know the impersonal parental aware reality is limited.
Questions to Explore:
Can I know that this impersonal parental aware reality is generated in a part of the physical body and brain?
Is the fact that I cannot seem to read the minds of other people proof that this aware reality is limited?
Is the experience that I feel located in a body and world proof aware reality is limited?
Is the experience that my culture conventionally tells me I am separate person proof aware reality is limited?
Is the experience that other bodies have different physical characteristics proof aware reality is limited?
Is the experience of being in world of human suffering proof aware reality is limited?
Is the experience that thoughts that tell me I am the instigator of my thoughts and feelings proof aware reality is limited?
Is the fact that I have memories of being a child proof that aware reality is limited?
What if I suddenly experience being triggered into feeling I am a fragmented separate self?
Will the embodied belief to be a separate fragmented self dissolve eventually?
Group Contemplation:
Group experiential inquiry to share and examine the evidence for being a separate personal fragmented aware reality.
Group contemplation to explore of the appearance of bodily sensations to verify we are not them but they are us.
Group contemplation to welcome with benevolent indifference any feeling of being a fragmented personal self .
Session 5: The Natural Flow Of The Universal Family
Talking Points:
Re-framing daily life as an experiment in trusting the indestructible wholeness of the impersonal parental aware reality.
Doing what is loved.
Nourishing the needs of the children of the mind, body and world, by healing, protecting, and learning.
Being aware of and not ignoring ingrained mental health issues and respecting diversity.
Questions to Explore:
How can needs of the mind and body be discerned from a sense of fragmentation and lack?
How do we recognise and deal with ingrained mental health issues?
Group Contemplation:
Psycho-education on the needs and nourishment of our children the mind, body and world, and their nourishment process.
Trial and error learning on acting from a sense of impersonal freedom or personal fear.
Session 6: Life as a Ceremony of the Universal Family
Talking Points:
Acknowledging the need for ongoing community and support.
Understanding the principle of the lotus flower and the process of ongoing transformation of conflicts into peace, dysfunction into harmony, attachment into love, agony into joy, drifting into achievements, external focus into empowerment, fear into trust, and dependency into self-discovery.
Holding space for the universal family when required.
Invitation to free monthly universal family dialogues.
Questions to Explore:
How can we view the challenges of living as fuel for revealing indestructible wholeness?
How can we manage daily life and others who don´t live by this understanding?
Can we see all minds and bodies are part of our universal family and treat them accordingly?
How do we keep on track with feeling indestructibly whole?
Group Contemplation:
• Closing universal family contemplation and sharing.