The Invisible Cloak That Could Never Exist

We imagined an invisible cloak that could never exist,

We called it time and space  

We gave it the honour of reality in the minds we occupy,

And gave it the meaning of weight in the bodies we inhabit,

Until this imaginary invisible cloak that could never exist,

Weighed us down with its heaviness,

And it was all there was to reality for us.

Until we saw the reality that always exists,

A Universal aware presence became the only thing we could see,

Its weightlessness lifted our hearts.

As we came to understand this universal aware presence is all that ever exists,

And we realised it was the self we called “me”,

We became revitalised by our sacred self-illuminating light.

It was all there was to reality for us.

Then, we could no longer perceive the heavy invisible cloak that could never exist. 

Like a distant dream we once had, it disappeared from the habits ingrained in the mind and body we inhabit

All we could do was be this sacred reality that always exists.

Free of the invisible cloak that could never exist.


May 2022


We Are The Glimpse Of Reality


As I Awoke Today