Living From The Heart

Can we see?

We are the thoughts with no thinker,
We are the breath with no breather,
We are the movement with no mover?
Can we understand?

That this thought of a personal thinker, breather and mover,
That arises from some belief of being a separate person,
Conditioned by a lifetime of ignoring the spontaneous impersonal flow of reality we really are,
Which this mind falsely believes in and clings to for dear life,
As if life will fall apart without it,
Only veils this moment and the spontaneous immediacy of the present flow,
With the story of a personal thinker, breather and mover,
Yet all this heavy grey painful foggy messy weighty story does is,
Dulls beauty,
Replaces love with fear,
Clouds understanding with stupidity,
And keeps us from our aliveness.
Can we courageously surrender?

The dull veil of personalness in this moment,
Back to flow from where it came,
And allow ourselves to experience life as it really is,
Free, flowing, activity, movement, 
With no thinker, no breather and no mover,
So we may taste again aliveness in our heart.
Can we open our eyes and open our controlling mind?

Drop into our heart,
To discern at this moment,
The sharply beautiful, intimately loving, sacredly intelligent,
Flow of existence we really are,
That doesn’t need a person for it to exist,
And despite what we thought,
Does not fall apart without the person in control,
And that is serendipity incarnate.
Can we feel full of appreciation?

For the great fullness,
Of a simple conversation overheard,
Or the gentle sound of birds singing,
Or the hum of traffic,
Or the rumble of a cloud,
That is really like a Beethoven symphony,
Or a Shakespearian sonnet,
About the ever-unfolding poem of this living moment,
Describing the super-ordinary miracle of life now.
Can we hear with our hearts?

That all this movement in and out
We call living,
Is really the sacred silence we are,
Taking pleasure in speaking to itself,
Words full of love, beauty and understanding.


How Do We Deal With People Who Appear To Treat Us Less Than Kindly?


Living Oneness